Sunday, December 13, 2009

playground revolution

Jonah Keri makes the case to get rid of traditional pick-up basketball scoring -

This is the problem plaguing pickup hoops. In nearly every pickup game I’ve played for the past 10 years, the scoring system has been the same: 1 point for a basket, 2 points if it’s a shot from beyond the three-point line, game to 11....

There’s a simple solution to this problem. Make field goals worth 2 points, and 3-point field goals worth (gasp) 3 points! Game to 21. Play goes just as quickly, you’re still rewarded for superior shooting range, and everyone else can get back to playing a normal game.

Math is tough - I suggest one point for everything.

Also, American Pie Presents: Beta House is quite possibly the most offensive movie I've ever seen, but I think I'm missing half the story by seeing the television version as opposed to the unrated one.

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