Friday, October 23, 2009

UWM Post

Johanan Raatz does his best to couch his bigotry in history and science so that we can deem him respectable and grant his ideas consideration -

Patriarchy, for example, is seen in all human cultures throughout history. The more patriarchal a society, the more it seems to flourish. Some argue that matriarchal societies have existed, but these claims are dubious at best. Furthermore, the cultures they point to are usually hunter-gatherer societies, not nearly as fit as cultures that have evolved more patriarchal modes of life, such as the Roman or Mongol civilizations. And in contrast to more patriarchal societies, Western Europe — which is suffering a decline in patriarchy due to destructive social engineering— is also experiencing a general decline overall.

Similar correlations can be seen with heterocentrism. A few years after gay marriage appeared in various Western European countries, the overall marriage rate underwent a rapid decline as well. In addition to heterocentrism, monogamy is another part of the human logos, which is necessary for human flourishing. A strong statistical correlation between single-parent households and poverty has been well known for some time now.

As for Eurocentrism (which, in reality, is “Westernness”), it can be seen by comparison that Western (modernized) societies do objectively better than ones that are not Western. Countries like Japan or Australia are more successful than ones like Cuba or Iran.
The United States, a leader among Western societies, has landed men on the moon and provided the highest standard of living for the most people of any modern country.

The new left likes to react against these sociobiological traits by labeling them as “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic,” “chauvinist,” etc., but in reality these things can be clearly observed to be beneficial to human society. Instead of opposing such things as patriarchy, heterocentrism and the like, it might be a good idea to look to scientific human sociobiology and Darwinian social science to study and promote them. With a little constructive social engineering we can make society more patriarchal, heterocentric, and Western and with any luck raise it to new heights of progress.

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