Monday, November 9, 2009

John Lackey, Milwaukee Brewer?

Buster Olney thinks it is a possibility. His article requires ESPN Insider, which I no longer have, so I can't see his reasoning but here's Craig Calcaterra explaining it -

There are no perfect fits, but Olney likes Lackey in Milwaukee of all places. It actually makes sense though given their needs and the fact that they did offer CC Sabathia a lot of money last year. I suppose there's a chance that that was a phony offer and that they'd never be willing to pay $100 million for a pitcher, but at the very least it shows some guts on Doug Melvin's part, and guts come right after money when it comes to the things a team needs to land a big fish like Lackey.

If the money saved by dropping Cameron goes towards Lackey (instead of Wolf or Pineiro) I would definitely change my opinion of the trade. I doubt Milwaukee will be able to compete for Lackey, though, given the lack of good pitchers in the free agent market.

Also, if anyone has ESPN Insider and wants to let me free-ride on their account you'd make me a very happy person.

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